Dirk Steffes-tun
Human Resources and Digital Marketing since 2009
Learn more about my media activities
Media coverage:
Some of my more recent interviews, guestposts and other media activities on various toppics.

Recruitiment Process Outsourcing
“Personalsuche an ExpertInnen auslagern: Recruitment Process Outsourcing” (in German – no more online)
In this short article I describe the trend of outsourcing parts of the recruitment process. Due to the current Coronavirus-crises I find out that this will be an additional driver for bringing RPO to a larger audience.
Published on “Gemeinsam digital”-portal of the BVMW, one of the leading SME-associations in Germany, April 2020
You are planing your next conference and need a speaker in one of the above mentioned fields? Or you are looking for an dialogue partner (print, TV, radio, podcast), or just a guest author? Feel free to contact me directly for media inquiries and bookings.
Don’t wait any longer and contact me now!

Further contact details:
Dirk Steffes-tun
Dirk Steffes-tun c/o Balkaninvest.eu EOOD
1113 Sofia / Bulgaria, Ul. Kosta Lulchev 17
Phone contact for media inquiries and bookings
00359 2 878158-0